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Privacy Policy




Oklahoma Claims Association Privacy Policy indicates the guidelines used to protect the information collected during your visit to our website.

Information Collected:
Information may be collected at various times while visiting our site, for example, completing our Contact Form or providing a Deposit of Payment for an order. Typical types of data collected may include: Company, Name, Address, City, State, Postal Code, Email address, Credit Card number with Expiration Date and other.

What happens with the information:
The information provided allows us to provide product and services required by our clients (send literature, schedule appointments, fulfill orders, provide project status, customer support and other). Oklahoma Claims Association will not sell your information to any outside non-affiliated company for its use in marketing or solicitation. All information collected will be maintained within the Oklahoma Claims Association database. Oklahoma Claims Association may however, disclose your information in certain cases where we have your permission or under special circumstances such as when required by law. The company may also use the information to provide you with notifications and important announcements relative to new products, special offers, web site enhancements or other. Oklahoma Claims Association may also use customer information on an aggregate basis to better understand their clients and improve our products and services. Aggregate statistics may be disclosed to potential business partners.

The Use of “Cookies”
Oklahoma Claims Association may use cookies. Cookies are small information files stored by your browser on the hard drive that allows the company to provide advanced features such as partner logins and personalization. The cookies we may use do not contain any personal information. You may change your browser settings to disable cookies, but cookies must be enabled in order to perform transactions at our Web Site.

Your Consent:
By visiting and providing the requested information throughout our Website, you consent to the collection and use of the information described above. We may periodically modify our Privacy Policy and will post any changes to this page.

Trust & Feedback:
We endeavor to build users' trust and confidence in using our web site. If you need assistance in updating the information you provide to Oklahoma Claims Association, have questions about this privacy statement or the practices of this site, please contact us at 

This Association shall not become affiliated with any union or attempt in any manner to form any union of claim professionals. 
It is expressly noted that no purpose for which this organization is formed shall be to regulate, fix, set, establish, influence, or control the price or premium to be paid for insuring property and/or persons against loss or damage of any kind or character, or the availability of any such insurance, or to regulate, fix, set, establish, influence, or control the price, cost, rate, quality, production, availability, and sale of any article of commerce, use or consumption, including but not limited to demolition, construction, reconstruction, repairs, replacement, parts labor, or other items associated with repairing or replacing damaged or injured property; and no action shall be taken which would be in restraint of free and open trade or commerce or in any way violate the Sherman Act, Clayton Act, Robinson-Patman Act, Federal Trade Commission Act, or any Antitrust Laws of the United States or of the State of Oklahoma.