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The Oklahoma Claim Association is looking to give back to Oklahoma communities, first responders, and volunteer organizations. Our goal is to award one or more grants a year to an organization and/or community program that our members work with, on a daily basis.  Grants will be awarded up to but not exceeding $2,500. The number and amounts of grants will be determined annually by the OCA board.



The OCA grant is limited to the boundaries of the state of Oklahoma. Any Oklahoma law enforcement organization, fire protection group, first responder group, or community-based volunteer group is eligible to apply for the OCA grant. “For profit” or privately owned organizations are NOT eligible.



Grants will be awarded up to but not exceeding $2,500.  Our goal is to fund projects and/or needs of standalone items. We prefer not to be lumped into larger projects, as our goal is to help underfunded community and/or volunteer projects. Needs such as personal protective equipment, safety equipment, parts and/or repairs to equipment would be considered. These are a few but not all the examples which we will consider. Please feel free to submit any additional needs for consideration.


How to Apply

Click on and complete the Grants application below. 
Grant Application  




This Association shall not become affiliated with any union or attempt in any manner to form any union of claim professionals. 
It is expressly noted that no purpose for which this organization is formed shall be to regulate, fix, set, establish, influence, or control the price or premium to be paid for insuring property and/or persons against loss or damage of any kind or character, or the availability of any such insurance, or to regulate, fix, set, establish, influence, or control the price, cost, rate, quality, production, availability, and sale of any article of commerce, use or consumption, including but not limited to demolition, construction, reconstruction, repairs, replacement, parts labor, or other items associated with repairing or replacing damaged or injured property; and no action shall be taken which would be in restraint of free and open trade or commerce or in any way violate the Sherman Act, Clayton Act, Robinson-Patman Act, Federal Trade Commission Act, or any Antitrust Laws of the United States or of the State of Oklahoma.