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HomeScholarship Info




The Oklahoma Claim Association will allocate funds on an annual basis, if available, to provide a scholarship or scholarships to active members and/or to children of active members of the Oklahoma Claim Association. The Executive Board will decide the amount and number of scholarships. The Board's decision is final. 

Frequency of Award

The award will be given annually, with the amount and number of awards to be determined by the executive board.

Scholarship Guidelines

  1. ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible for consideration the applicant must be:


    1. A member in good standing for the current year and past three consecutive years in the Oklahoma Claims Association; or be a spouse, son or daughter, stepson or stepdaughter, grandson or granddaughter, son-in-law or daughter-in-law of a member in good standing for the past three consecutive years in the Oklahoma Claims Association.
    2. Member must have attended at least two (2) meetings during the previous three years.
    3. A student in an accredited junior college or 4-year college or university, which is a degree granting institution.
    4. An undergraduate classified as a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior.


  2. AMOUNT AND FREQUENCY OF AWARD: To ensure the scholarship fund will not be diminished, the following guidelines will apply:
    1. Awards shall be made annually, and the total amount of an individual scholarship shall not exceed $1,500.00 unless determined by the members of the Oklahoma Claims Association Scholarship Committee.
    2. Awards shall be made on a one-time-per-applicant basis, and shall not be renewable for any subsequent year.


  3. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: Applicants shall provide the following documentation as a minimum. No application can be considered complete until documentation is received.


    1. Completed application form.
    2. One original character or educational reference letter dated within the last 6 months.
    3. Copy of an official high school transcript or prior college semester grade report.


  4. SELECTION GUIDELINES: The Committee shall make its selection based on information provided in the application and associated documents. Required additional information should be obtained by the applicant. Attention is directed to scholarship as a major basis of selection.




    1. Unsuccessful candidates should be notified as soon as possible after they have been eliminated from further consideration.
    2. The candidates selected will be notified as soon as possible after the final selection has been made, by letter or telephone call, as deemed appropriate by the Selection Committee Chairman. Selections shall be announced at the Fall Conference of the Oklahoma Claim Association.
Please complete the Scholarship Application using the link below. The application is a web-based form that will require you to complete all fields at the time the form is accessed.  So you can be prepared prior to accessing the form, the essay question at the end of the form requests that you b
riefly write why you have applied for this scholarship, why you should receive it, and what you want to achieve with it. The fields prior to that are for information related to academic history and scores, as well as volunteer and community activity and employment (if any) information, leadership positions, and awards received.  If you have any questions about the application, please email

Scholarship Application

Previous Scholarship Recipients







OCA Member


 Ed Trexler Memorial Aiden Smith Jesse Smith
Ed Trexler Memorial Brent Sadler Ingrid Sadler
Ed Trexler Evan Sadler Ingrid Sadler
Pat Trexler Brandon Sadler Ingrid Sadler
Ed Trexler  Dalton Sisson  Montie Sisson
Pat Trexler  Lynna McGavock Brett McGavock
OCA Jacob Steel Monica Steel
OCA Kalyn Brittain Patti Walls
OCA Tyler Massey David Massey
Ed Texler Chandler Bess Mark Bess
Pat Trexler Trent DeSmet Todd DeSmet
 Ed Trexler Memorial Biana House Mike Lee 
 Pat Trexler Memorial Kaylee Boyer Rob Boyer
 OCA Sydney Farris Brent Farris
Ed Trexler Memorial  Brendan Hall Richard Hall
Pat Trexler Memorial Austin Daniels  David Daniels
Ed Trexler Memorial  Nicholas Standifer  Laura Standifer
Pat Trexler Memorial  Kylie VanEck Tony VanEck
 OCA  Jake Travis Susan Travis
Ed Trexler Memorial  Lori Bergman  Member
Pat Trexler Memorial  Ashley Massey  David Massey
 OCA  Zachary Selvidge  George Adkins
 OCA  Cole McGavock Brett McGavock
Ed Trexler Memorial  Ben DeCuyper  John DcCuyper
Pat Trexler Memorial Cierra Chapman Rondia Chapman
OCA  Nathan Lee Mike Lee
 Elizabeth Jackson  Jennifer Gottovi
Ed Trexler Memorial Keaton VanEck Tony VanEck
Pat Trexler Rachel Watkins Terry Watkins
OCA Pepper Warrick Mike Buxton
OCA Marigrace Montogmery John Montgomery
Ed Trexler Memorial  Matt Massey David Massey
Pat Trexler  Abby Archer  Debbie Archer
OCA  Braxton Buxton Mike Buxton
OCA  Alexandra (Lexie) Ashley  Mike Ashley
 TRC Disaster Solution  Michelle Hall  Richard Hall
 TRC Disaster Solution  Andria Smith  Aaron Smith
 2012 Ben Rutledge  Sam Rutledge
   Taylor Egger  
   Emily DeCuyper  John DeCuyper
   Aspen Fryer  Greg Fryer
   Jake Choate  Julie Choate
 2011 Paula Houghton  Gary Houghton
   Alicia Waggoner  
   C. Kirk Crider  
 2010 Janislynn Dorris Tanya Dorris
   Zackery Wayne Lee  Mike Lee
   Sydney Talley  Tracy Talley
 2009 Julie Ann Miller  James Miller
   Anthony Van Eck Self
   Kelsey Jordan Jack Jordan
 2008  Jessica Gurule  
   Courtney Bryant Brad Bryant
   Sarah Greenwalt  
 2007  Adam Bale  Rahsa Bale
   Megan Gaylor  Randy Gaylor
   Nick Dorris  Tanya Dorris
 2005  Emily Belt  Greg Belt
   Bruce Cobb  
 2004  Eric Cotton  Mitch Cotton
   Sara Buchan  Scott Buchan
   Matthew Costilow  


Gary Mabry


Wendy Willis Perceful




Ashley Cotton


Mitch Cotton




Blake Hall


Steve Hall










Stephanie Hotaling


John Hotaling




Lacey Watts


Ron Watts










Jennifer R. Scott


Wendy Willis Perceful




Colby Hall


Steve Hall










Kari Cook


Jim Phipps




BJ Donalson


Randy Donalson










Meredith E. Robertson


Daniel Robertson




William Brownlee


Leon Brownlee










Jill Mayes


Mike Mayes




Megan Hotaling


John Jotaling










Leeca Millwee


Nita Millwee




Chad David Woodward


Ann Woodward Seibel










Chad Perceful


Wendy Willis Perceful




John Guthrie


Jim Guthrie




Christopher Musson


Chuck Musson




Brian Larwig


Paula Larwig Bookout










Jason Harvey


Dan Harvey




Mark Mayes


Mike Mayes




Kelli Sullivan


Mike Sullivan




Michael Millwee


Nita Millwee










James Guthrie II


Jim Guthrie




Drew Anderson


Ben Anderson










Jason Crain


Ron Crain




Lisa Michelle Carney


Phyllis Sasser-Johnson










Joshua Allen Perceful


Wendy Willis Perceful




John Cary


Dick Cary










This Association shall not become affiliated with any union or attempt in any manner to form any union of claim professionals. 
It is expressly noted that no purpose for which this organization is formed shall be to regulate, fix, set, establish, influence, or control the price or premium to be paid for insuring property and/or persons against loss or damage of any kind or character, or the availability of any such insurance, or to regulate, fix, set, establish, influence, or control the price, cost, rate, quality, production, availability, and sale of any article of commerce, use or consumption, including but not limited to demolition, construction, reconstruction, repairs, replacement, parts labor, or other items associated with repairing or replacing damaged or injured property; and no action shall be taken which would be in restraint of free and open trade or commerce or in any way violate the Sherman Act, Clayton Act, Robinson-Patman Act, Federal Trade Commission Act, or any Antitrust Laws of the United States or of the State of Oklahoma.